ALBUM REVIEW: Thurman B. Thornton: “911 Save Me” (9/10)

This body of work takes you through a journey of battling depression and other vices that challenge one’s walk with Christ. The EP release coincided with his birthday earlier this year and what better way to celebrate another year than by celebrating the many victories won?

As I listened, I noticed that this EP in a way seemed cathartic for Thornton who paired the sound of the songs with the various needs for deliverance. As it progresses, the use of reverb eases…bringing you closer to clarity! Ever been in a place where you felt like you were lost or maybe even drowning?

Thornton shares those real-life experiences in “911…Save Me”. Transcendent transparency has favored him with audiences of all sizes and demographics as a walking billboard for what faith can do. Having lost both his parents and other family members in a short span of time, Thornton has both seen and survived the worst of times and is now ready to embrace his newest season with this album. There were times while listening to the EP I said: “Man this is so dark, pull him out, Jesus!”

*Spoiler Alert* He comes out alright and lives to sing about it! The album starts out dark but breaks through like sunshine through clouds to a miraculous ending with “Better” and “Fresh Start” which are two of my personal favorites. The choir on “Forgive Me” is working up a sanctified sweat! It’s hard to imagine hearing TB2 with a choir, but it’s a well-paired situation you’ll enjoy!

Reviewer Score: 9/10