5 SM trends you don’t want to miss

The weather is changing and so is our ability to share content. We’re spending more and more time exploring… we’re taking photos, uploading videos, and posting links to our favorites in anticipation of shared moments.

As the seasons change, your customers habits are as well. Don’t fall behind. Keep focus, we grow our business and increase our customer database, through valuable social media rapport. Below are 5 social media trends that everyone needs to know.

1. Mobile is (almost) everything

Did you know? Over 80% of media use online is through a mobile device – your customers are spending more and more time on hand held devices and less time on their laptops. When sending out content on your platforms, make sure that your links are mobile-friendly. From videos to stories you share, keep in mind that your customers will likely be reading or watching on their iPhone or Android devices.

2. Location, location, location

With the advent of Foursquare’s new app, Swarm, location-based applications could make a strong return. There are many new ways to share locations – from sharing plans to neighborhood locations, this approach to location-based social media has the potential to revitalize the check-in.

If you own a brick and mortar store, consider creating a sign that encourages your customers to check-in on social media platforms. If you do not have a physical location, work your magic by leaving comments and tips on locations that are relative to your business. For example, if I owned a small jewelry store that sold products exclusively online, I could leave tips at various clothing merchants that I have visited with my feedback on their location, while encouraging visitors to check out my store.

3. Visual content

63% of social media includes images. As such, visual platforms are playing a significant role in social media for businesses. When posting your content or sending tweets through your company’s account, ensure that you include images. Make your customers want to click.

Use images of high quality – or some great iPhone shots. Ensure your posts include questions for your customers to engage with.

4. Social Media is real

Believe it? You should. If there’s one way to socially connect and network it’s on SM. Businesses should pay specific attention to, Instagram and Twitter as they already play a significant role in organic ranking algorithm. This trend will greatly impact search results and SEO by the end of the year – get moving now by populating your page with content and promoting your page across platforms.

Start by approaching these platform the same way you would with Facebook – be highly visual and include questions.

5. Spread yourself over a select number of social networks

It’s true that Facebook algorithm has changed. If your business currently has a page, it is estimated that only 6% of your followers currently see your posts. This highlights a potential weakness (unless you are spending money to promote your posts). Ensure that you are focused on a number of social networks instead of simply one. Overdependence on any single platform poses potential risks.

Looking to save time? Check out a tips and tricks blog post on automating your social media. And if you don’t have budget for Facebook Advertising, don’t fret. Focus on creating consumable, engaging content and target those followers who do see your posts. These numbers will increase and your page will build – but focus on other social networks in synchrony.

As you continue to build your business and enjoy the final warm, summer days, remember that social media is growing exponentially. Don’t fall behind as trends change.

From mobile to location and visual content, where will you begin your focus?