Category: Features

Bishop Eddie Long dies of aggressive form of cancer, church says

New Birth Missionary Baptist Church’s senior pastor Eddie L. Long has died, according to the statement released this morning. He was 63 years old. “Today it is with great sadness I announce that our bishop has transitioned,” Bishop Christopher C. Smith said. The expectant crowd, many already informed by social media and text messages, wailed and shrieked at […]

Jonathan McReynolds

Musician, educator, and philanthropist, Jonathan McReynolds talks millennial generation transition and the upcoming Worship Tour, shared with Travis Green, and Anthony Brown. We learned of his current endeavors including teaching at Columbia and his non-profit Elihu Nation for young leaders. Click here to read and listening to him, and EIC, Enaysha Thompson.

President-Elect Donald Trump: A Rude Awakening

President-Elect Donald Trump, offers a rude awakening to the possibilities within America. When we consider the Word concerning the matter, we must hold fast to, there is no failure in God. If we are in fact His children, abiding in HIM, we understand ALL things, and I do mean all, are working together for our […]

Inside Scoop: Queen Sugar

ABOUT THE SHOW The contemporary drama Queen Sugar, set in the fictional town of Saint Josephine, Louisiana, chronicles the lives and loves of the estranged Bordelon siblings: Nova (Rutina Wesley, True Blood), a worldly-wise journalist and activist; Charley (Dawn-Lyen Gardner, Unforgettable), the savvy wife and manager of a professional basketball star; and Ralph Angel (Kofi […]

Black Lacrosse… dream or fantasy?

Hope rarely arrives neatly packaged. On the morning of Feb. 13, it appeared as the Hampton Pirates lacrosse team, a motley crew of misfits, cast-offs and neophytes. But when they took the field against the Roberts Wesleyan Redhawks, Hampton became the first historically black college to field a Division I lacrosse team in more than […]

Live ELEV8’D

God is seeking worshipers. He is beckoning us as believers, and leaders to do what we were created to do: worship Him and teach others how, as well.  We must learn the secret of worshiping God, period… no matter the situation, nor circumstance. Living elevated is a posture of worshiping, through it all. A space only occupied […]

5 SM trends you don’t want to miss

The weather is changing and so is our ability to share content. We’re spending more and more time exploring… we’re taking photos, uploading videos, and posting links to our favorites in anticipation of shared moments. As the seasons change, your customers habits are as well. Don’t fall behind. Keep focus, we grow our business and […]

10 Best End of the Summer Vacation Destinations

As we come to a close on the end of summer, perhaps one of the following vacation spots will allow you to embark upon great times, and memories as we say goodbye warm weather and welcome the brisk breeze that fall brings. As I looked around to share with you this information a can across […]