Interview with Enaysha Thompson

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In opportunities like this I do not take lightly the mandate God has given us as a people, to lift HIM high in all the Earth. Never in a million years would I imagine the space and occupancy GOD’s allotted us as an organization. I’m forever grateful and committed to the task at hand. We ELEVATE HIM, so that HE may draw all men.

Enaysha Thompson, shared with Gospel 360’s Liz Black, a contributor to Elev8 Magazine the inside track to our development. In times like these it’s essential to share the goodness of the Lord. We have experienced unmeasurable favor, and significant opportunities to engage you, our readers. We are grateful for your support and pray that we offer you content and insight that elevates your faith and belief that, “With GOD all things are possible!”

Engage, Uplift, and Elevate.”

–Roy “King” Jackson