A Day to Remember

Who can forget what happened on the evening of June 17, 2015, in Charleston, South Carolina at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church?  Likely, no one. What we also cannot forget, is what happened after this horrific hate crime was committed by Dylan Roof; a 21-year old white supremacist mad man.

Roof had hoped to incite a race war and tear up a town by making the issue he had, completely black and white. What he really incited and the response he received is what we are all in need of; forgiveness, faith, love for others who are different, and empathy.

The three survivors of this tragedy; Felicia Sanders, her granddaughter who was 11 years old at the time of the tragedy, Polly Sheppard and the family members of the victims that succumbed to Dylan Roof’s terror, showed us what finding forgiveness through unimaginable pain, looks like.  

Riveting. Inspiring. Sobering. This describes the film, Emanuel. It is a rock solid instructional manual on finding forgiveness and the power of forgiveness when you have been shockingly betrayed by those you wish absolutely no ill. Dylan Roof was graciously welcomed and received into bible study at Emanuel A.M.E. church that night and his parting contribution to those that welcomed and received him; was mayhem and bloodshed. In the midst of this horrifying reality, the survivors and those that lost family members; chose to extend to him forgiveness instead of hate. How is this possible? How do you forgive a murderer for taking the life of your loved one? Many of us may not be able to fathom this type of forgiveness or even display it towards those whom we believe do not deserve it.

Emanuel normalizes the power of forgiveness. You will walk away from the film seeking to understand what circumstances or situations in your own life require you to extend this same type of forgiveness to others. From the first-hand accounts of the survivors recalling every terrifying moment that they were in Dylan Roof’s presence, to the indomitable strength of the family members left behind because of this tragic event; this film is chocked full of encouragement for the daily battles we fight in trying to find forgiveness for ourselves and others.

If you are struggling with forgiveness or need to release someone or something that has hurt, you irreparably and you really don’t know where to start; Emanuel is definitely the film you need to see.  

Emanuel will be in select theatres nationwide on June 17 and 19 only.
Here’s the trailer: www.emanuelmovie.com.

Written By: Dr. Dama Anita, @drdamaanita