How to be Successful at Your Calling

Mike Donehey of Tenth Avenue North spoke at IMMERSE 2018 alongside his manager and the session was mind blowing to say the least.

What you need to identify is “what your calling is,” not how to be successful. You can be successful raising hamsters! 

Frederick Buechner wrote,  “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” Picture that intersection. It’s where your DEEP GLADNESS is hitting and intersecting with what the WORLD DEEPLY NEEDS. 

What CULTURE will tell you is, “ Go find your deep gladness, because what’s most important is that you’re alive” …That’s half true! What the CHURCH will often tell you is, “ What does the world need? You need to go and forget all about YOU and just do whatever the world needs.”…You know what happens then? Burn out! 

What’s beautiful is when you can say, “God, how have you wired me? Where is my deep gladness, and how can I use that to meet the worlds deepest needs?”  If you do that, I bet your definition of what success looks like is going to change drastically.
That is just a small nugget from this amazing session. Not to be “click-bait-y“…but this message could change your life, it’s THAT GOOD.  Click here to take a listen!
–Team GMA 

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