New Year: New You

“And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the wine, would burst the wineskins, and the wine and the skins would both be lost. New wine calls for new wineskins.”Mark 2:22 NLT

Every January, new resolutions, and promises are made and by March the list falls to the wayside. We find ourselves reverting to what is comfortable and familiar. The momentum and energy of a New Year wears off like a rocket launching then falling back to earth without making it into outer space. Schedule demands direct our attentions from our dreams to deadlines. Distractions slowly dilute our New Year Resolution Resolve.

Your New Year won’t be any different if you keep holding on to whatever you have decided not to keep. You are heavy with the unresolved clutter in your life. When entering the New Year, the New You has to shed old habits, peoples, places and things that didn’t get you closer to your goals in 2016. The New You has to be completely honest with you about your strengths and weaknesses.  This means looking into the mirror and having honest conversations with yourself about your business, finances, relationships, health, unforgiveness, grief and whatever else you’ve been burying deep in the crevices of your heart.  The concept of a New Year isn’t going to erase the work that you need to do to be the New You.

When you continually place the old mindset into a New Year, both you and the New Year will perish just like placing the new wine into old wine skins. You will look up and find that it’s December 31st again. Position yourself for the Newness of 2017, shift your mind for the New You and the New Year!

Dr. Sha-Rhonda Green
